Hiring a Property Manager.

The easier and low-stress way to offer your property on the short-term market is by hiring a property manager. This option lets you leave your property in capable hands, allowing you to relax and enjoy the income. Find a property manager who is well-versed in the local real estate and property management market, including short stay, as they will have insider knowledge of the competitive landscape and understand the current laws and regulations in your area. 

Choose the Right Property Manager.

Property managers come in various shapes and sizes, so take your time to find the best fit for you. Remember that while the services might seem similar, the level and speed of service can vary greatly. Also, consider pricing. It is not always indicative of the service quality you will receive. Use a mix of objectivity and intuition to assess the property manager you are considering, beyond just the list of services they offer. 

Still Interested in offering your property on the short-term market? 

Consider it as a strategy to build income, safeguard your interests, and do it right. Relying solely on quick online searches might lead to financial and emotional losses. Do your research, consult experts, and gather as much information as possible. The rewards can be substantial.